Messenger International Teaching 

Good or God (Author John Bevere)
$20 Hardcover with jacket and Includes 6 week devotions and discussion question.
These days the terms good and God seem synonymous. We believe what’s generally accepted as good must be in line with God’s will. Generosity, humility, justice—good. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty—evil. The distinction seems pretty straightforward. But is that all there is to it? If good is so obvious, why does the Bible say that we need discernment to recognize it? Good or God? isn’t another self-help message. This book will do more than ask you to change your behavior. It will empower you to engage with God on a level that will change every aspect of your life.
Rescue (Authors John Bevere & Mark Andrew Olsen)
$7 Hardcover or $12 for Audio CDs
Summary: Pastor Alan Rockaway is the pastor of a mega-church in Denver and we find him at the height of his ministry as the novel begins. Alan and his new wife, Jenny, along with several other couples from church embark on a couples' cruise designed to strengthen marriage relationships. Alan invites his son, Jeff, along to video the entire event for a documentary. Tragedy strikes the group during an off-boat excursion, and Jeff is forced to watch as his father, step-mother, and several church members sink to the bottom of the ocean floor when a yacht strikes their submarine.
20th Anniversary Edition Bait of Satan (John Bevere)
$15 Paperback. Includes prayers, affirmations, and study guide.
The Bait of Satan exposes one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God--offense. This trap restrains countless Christians, severs relationships, and widens the gulfs between us. Jesus said, "It is impossible that no offenses should come" (Luke 17:1). Although you will encounter offense, you can choose how you will react. In this new twentieth anniversary edition, John Bevere shows you how to identify the traps ahead of you and escape the victim mentality. With declaration-style prayers and testimonials from people whose lives have been changed by his message, this book will inspire you to stay free from offense and its destructive power
Under Cover (John Bevere)
$15 Paperback book , $10 Workbook (Some books may have water damage.)
To walk in true spiritual authority, a believer must be submitted to God's sovereign authority. In this book, best-selling author John Bevere shows readers how submission to this divine order grants the Kingdom's provision and protection, in this Christian classic approaching 500K copies sold. This well-loved writer effectively uses his personal mistakes to illustrate riveting truths about repentance and forgiveness. As he focuses on the true authority of God, he is careful to explain by example the important difference between "submission" and "obedience." The same struggle with divine authority is also represented through the lives of John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, and other biblical figures. An especially helpful book for Christians who want to develop a serious pursuit of God.
Killing Kryptonite (John Bevere
$15.00 Hardcover with Jacket
You Can Destroy What Steals Your Strength Just like Superman, who can leap over any hurdle and defeat every foe, followers of Christ have the supernatural ability to conquer the challenges we face. But the problem for both Superman and us is there’s a kryptonite that steals our strength. Of course, both Superman and kryptonite are fictional. But spiritual kryptonite is not. This book offers answers to why so many of us are unable to experience the divine strength that was evident among first-century Christians. In Killing Kryptonite, John Bevere reveals what this kryptonite is, why it’s compromising our communities, and how to break free from its bondage. Not for the faint of heart, Killing Kryptonite is anything but a spiritual sugar high. This is serious truth for any Christ-follower who longs to embrace the challenging but rewarding path of transformation. Includes discussion questions for group study.
Honor's Reward (John Bevere)
$20 Both Hardcover book & workbook
In HONOR’S REWARD, bestselling author, John Bevere, unveils the power and truth of an often overlooked principle—the spiritual law of honor. If you understand the vital role of this virtue, you will attract blessing both now and for eternity. You will dig deep into the scriptures which reveals how you value, respect, and treat others determines your rewards. This insightful message teaches you how to extend honor to your Creator, family members, authorities and those who surround your world. In this curriculum, John Bevere weaves scriptural examples and personal stories to demonstrate the three levels of honor’s rewards: A Full Reward for those who value and respect others. A Partial Reward for those who are selective in how they esteem people. No Reward for those who treat God and his creation with indifference.
The Fear of the Lord (John Bevere
$15 Paperback book, $10 work book (Books and workbooks are in good condition but some water damage to edges.)
What is missing in your church, your prayers, and in your personal life? What will build a deeper intimacy in your relationship with God? What can make your life more purposeful and focused? What will transform you into a truly Spirit-led child of God? The Fear of the Lord. Updated with a new cover, Bevere exposes the need to fear God and challenges you to revere God anew in your worship and daily life. God longs to be known, and there is only one way to step into that deep intimacy and experience it fully. Now you can give God His due honor and reverence in a way that will revolutionize your life.
Extraordinary (John Bevere )
$20 Hardcover with jacket
All of us were meant for more, extraordinarily created and intended for a life that is anything but ordinary. Here is your road map for a journey of transformation by the empowerment of God’s grace.


A Love Worth Giving (Max Lucado)
$7 Paperback
Finding it hard to love? Someone in your world is hard to forgive? Is patience an endangered species? Kindness a forgotten virtue? If so, you may have forgotten a step -- an essential first step. Living loved. God loves you. Personally. Powerfully. Passionately. Others have promised and failed. But God has promised and succeeded. He loves you with an unfailing love. And his love -- if you let it -- can fill you and leave you with a love worth giving.
In Search of Material Possessions (Harold R. Dewberry Ph. D)
$10 Paperback
Join Harold Dewberry as he explores the real meaning of biblical stewardship and the pursuit of true prosperity. Along the way, you'll learn the truth about what God wants for you and your responsibility in receiving it.
No Longer a Victim (Burton Stoke & Lynn Lucas
$12 Paperback
Emotionally wounded, mentally tormented victims have no visible scars like those who were subject to physical violence. Yet the damage is no less real- and perhaps the need for healing is greater. This book will equip pastors and leaders to minister to hidden problems.
Yearning Minds & Burning Hearts (Glandion Carney & William Long)
$7 Paperback
a study of Jesus' life can restore harmony, integrity, and balance to our lives as Christians. Focusing on the Gospel of Luke, they examine both the inner life and the outer ministry of Jesus.
Strengthening My Steps (Claudia de Fajardo)
$10 Paperback
In "Strenghtening My Steps" you will find a practical guide that will assist in converting you into a true disciple; in it are given the basis so as to develop a successful Christian life and be able to become a channel through which blessings will flow.
Blood Covenant (Bruce Gunkle
$12 Paperback
Present day American Christianity has one patent weakness.  This weakness is readily apparent when you look closely at scripture.  The church in America does not understand covenant.  Therefore, she does not understand much of what the Lord is saying.  It is not possible to fully grasp what the Bible is all about without reading it through the eyes of covenant.  This book gives vital insight into the covenant nature of God and the covenant walk to which the Lord is calling us.
One Heartbeat Away (Mark Cahill
$12 Paperback
The question of what happens to us after we die is on the minds of many? Can you prove to them that there is a God? What about evolution? Can the Bible be proven true? This book, which is inspired by conversations with lost people, is written specifically to those who have objections or are seeking answers for eternity, and guiding them to truth. Why have so many atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Catholics, prisoners, and soldiers become born again after reading One Heartbeat Away? As best-selling author Mark Cahill suggests, it's because once you know the truth about the Bible, creation vs. evolution, heaven and hell, sin, and the cross, there is only one logical decision to make. The truth does set you free! Get this book into the hands of family, friends, and strangers, and watch the Holy Spirit work wonders in their lives. It also appeals to Christians who want answers to the questions they get when witnessing. One Heartbeat Away promises to be as compelling as Mark Cahill's first book One Thing You Can't Do in Heaven. Both books have tremendous value in skillfully communicating the evidence for biblical truth and compelling the lost to come to Jesus Christ for salvation

Operating in the supernatural/ prophetic 

Translating God (Shawn Boltz)
$12 Paperback
Translating God serves as an inspirational guide book that puts God’s great love back into prophetic ministry as a primary goal full of real life stories that articulate the culture of love behind God's heart for the prophetic. So much of the prophetic ministry is esoteric and a free for all in which people throw down the God card on anything they "feel," but this book brings balance without taking away the desire to see the powerful nature of God displayed. On top of that, it's biblically based and is supported by scripture throughout each story, driving home the book's message of activating the ability to hear God's voice for each reader.
The Supernatural Ways of Royalty (Kris Vallotton & Bill Johnson)
$12 Paperback
To experience the full inheritance that Jesus purchased at the cross, you must understand your royal identity.  In this classic bestseller, Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson denounce those strongholds of thought that have kept many Christians from enjoying their supernatural inheritance. They lovingly guide readers into a revolutionary understanding of who God says they are - royal heirs to the eternal Kingdom of God.
Operating in the Courts of Heaven
$12 Paperback
Why is God sometimes unresponsive to our heartfelt prayers---even when our requests seem to accord with his plan? Encouraging us to shift our focus from life's battlefield to heaven's courtroom, Henderson shows how to plead your case before God so that he has the legal right to answer your petitions---and fulfill his will.
What on Earth is Glory? (Paul Manwaring)
What On Earth Is Glory? is one man's journey into this desire of God. From Mt. Sinai to the Cross, from a solitary confinement cell to the snowboarding slopes of Mammoth Lakes, from fathers and mothers to sons and daughters, from time to eternity, Paul Manwaring traces the revelation of God's glory, uncovering the patterns of His divine design and purpose in all things, and inviting others to join him in making the audacious request Moses made millennia ago: "Show me Your glory."
Culture of Honor (Danny Silk))
$13 Paperback
What is "true faith?" In Rediscovering Faith, Myles Munroe strips away the common errors and misconceptions surrounding faith to reveal the nature, character, and power of true faith, or, Rediscovering Faith. Rediscovering faith trusts not in the promises of God but in the God who promises; seeks not the blessings of God, but the God who blesses. Rediscovering faith will always be tested, but because it places its trust in the King of the universe, will always prevail under testing. Rediscovering faith, therefore is a triumphant faith that will overcome the world.
The Throne Room Company (Shawn Bolz)
$12 (Paperback)
Thought provoking and profoundly perceptive, The Throne Room Company by Shawn Bolz has the power to revolutionize your understanding of God. In this book, Shawn Bolz reveals a fascinating message from Heaven that will penetrate the deep places of your heart. His stories and wisdom will guide you to a more noble place. This book is about a series of encounters from the author. He shares how much God enjoys you without the need for performance and that your identity is not in what you do but in who you already are to God. He shares about a people who are so in touch with Jesus that they are already living out of the place of heaven now.
Following the River (Bob Sorge)
$10 (Paperback)
This book articulates where God is taking the body of Christ in corporate worship. There is a sweep-you-off-your-feet depth to the river of God’s delights that is more than possible, it is inevitable! This book may wound a few sacred cows, but it will clarify your vision for the powerful potential in corporate worship.


65 Promises From God (Mike Sherve
$12 Paperback
65 Supernatural Promises for Your Child showcases the specific promises God has given us for our children, including mercy, covenant, peace, spiritual growth, angelic protection, and provision. With each new promise Shreve presents the key scripture followed by the explanation that will help you appropriate the promise. More than just a blessing, praying these promises could be the pivot on which the future of your family turns.
Boundaries with Kids by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend
$12 Paperback
Here's the help you need to raise kids who take responsibility for their lives and attitudes. Parents will learn how to set loving limits, bring control to an out-of-control life, define appropriate boundaries and consequences for children, and much more.
Prayer Saturated Kids
$10 Paperback
Whether you are a parent, grandparent, teacher, or church leader, Prayer-Saturated Kids will give you all the encouragement and guidance you need to pray with and for the children in your life. Practical helps and inspiring real-life stories will equip you to teach and mentor your kids to become powerful lifelong pray-ers while your own prayer life is growing right along with theirs. You’ll learn how, through prayer, you can help kids discover and fulfill their original design and destiny—then turn them loose to be history-makers and world-changers!
Loving Our Kids on Purpose (Danny Silk)
$12 Paperback
Here is a fresh look at the age-old role of parenting. Loving Our Kids on Purpose brings the principles of the Kingdom of God and revival into our strategy as parents. 2 Corinthians 3:17 tells us that “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” Most parenting approaches train children to learn to accept being controlled by well meaning parents and adults. Unfortunately, God is not going to control us as we gain independence from our parents. We must learn to control ourselves. This book will teach parents to train their children to manage their freedoms and protect their important heart to heart relationships.
Eyes that See & Ears that Hear (Jenifer Toledo)
$12 Paperback
Eyes That See & Ears That Hear is a desperately needed resource for parents and children's workers alike! Jennifer creatively gives parents the tools and language needed to help guide their children into God encounters. This six week course will set your family on a life-long journey of hearing God's voice together. What better gift can you give your child than to teach them how to hear the voice of the one who loves them most? Simple teachings, daily activities, and insights for parents, combine to bring this power packed course that will surely impact your family. The course is designed for parents to do with their children, but works wonderfully for Sunday school, home schooling, summer programs, and other discipleship programs as well. Jeremiah 33:3: "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things that you do not know." Hearing God's voice has never been so easy and so fun! God is raising up a generation that knows how to call him and hear the mysteries of his heart.


The Triumphant King Returns (Michael Howard)
$15 Paperback
An in-depth look of the end times described in the Bible.
Recklessly Abandoned (Michael Howard)
$7 Paperback
This is a testimony of how an ordinary young man believed and obeyed his extra- ordinary God during the war years in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe)
Why Some Christians Commit Adultery
$12 Paperback
Powerful, unseen forces drive some Christians into adultery, fornication, incest and other sexual sins. When it happens everyone wonders how and why. This book reveals practical guidelines and understanding for everyone involved - help and hope for the believer who wants to stand in the face of overwhelming sexual compulsions, forgiveness and knowledge for one who has been hurt by leaders who have fallen, and principles of counseling for those who wish to help someone who is struggling in this area. This book offers genuine help to honest people seeking sexual wholeness.
One Night with the King (Stephan Blinn)
$7 Paperback screen play
A behind the scenes look at the epic two - part motion picture. Special TBN edition including the complete screenplay. One Night with the King is a sweeping epic about Hadassah, the young Jewish girl who becomes the Biblical Esther, Queen of Persia. Despite her position, Hadassah's life is in danger, as the state has decreed that all Jews will be put to death. Defying warnings to remain silent, however, Hadassah struggles to save her people, evens as she seeks to win the heart of the king, in this exciting and inspiring story about destiny
The Incomplete Church (Sid Roth)
$15 Paperback
Christianity today is very different from the original. To experience the original the miracles, healings, power, and intimacy with God we have to examine our Jewish roots. For 2,000 years, there has been a separation between Judaism and Christianity resulting in a lack of miracle power and intimacy with God. The Incomplete Church explores what was stolen by the deceiver in both religions and reveals what will happen when the truth in both converges.
Dismantling Cancer (Jorge Barroso- Aranda & Daniel E. Kennedy)
$15 Paperback
In this book Dr. Contreras will inform you of the successes and failures of conventional medicine, introduce you to the benefits of alternative therapies and demonstrate how exceptional results can be obtained by integrating orthodox and non- conventional medical protocols.
NKJ Reference Bible w/ Large Font
$7 Paperback
Premium quality, fashionable bindings and a modern translation give extraordinary value to this personal size giant print Bible. Both the text and the extensive references of this personal size Bible are set in easy-to-read giant print. Features include: Giant print type Read-Along References® and Read-Along Translations® Prophecies of Christ Words of Jesus in red Presentation page Maps

Pocket books 


$2 God's Creative Power for Finances (Charles & Annette Capps
$3 God's Creative Power will Work for you (Charles Capp)
$1 Welcome to the Family (Kenneth Copeland)
$1 The Confessions of a Mother (Lilly Vargis)

$2 El Poder Cretivio para Tanar (Charles Capps) Pocket Book
$4 Guerra Espiritual  (Quin Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock) Paperback
$4 Como Orar Por Los Hijos Prodigos (Quin Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock) Paperback
$4 Como Orar Por Nuestros Hijos (Quin Sherrer y Ruthanne Garlock) Paperback
$5 Santa Biblia/ Renia Valera
$5 La Palabra de Dios


$12 Large Red Tote Bag with white stitching and front pocket; inscribed "Verse in Excellence".
Includes black luggage tag inscribed,
 "Tagged for Life"  (luggage tag $1ea.)
$3 Pink Mini Accessary Bag with wrist strap and card. Card "Reflecting the Beauty of the Lord
             Let the beauty of the Lord our God 
             upon us . Psl 90:17  
$7 Blue folding light, battery operated
$15 Black and gray insulated bag Keeps content hot or cold (size 9"L x 6.5"H x7"W) with shoulder strap and screen printed in neon green "Kindness is Catching and Logo" on front


$3 This is a 7” diameter royal blue nylon fan that folds into its handle for convenient carrying.
Inscribed in neon green " 1 Cor 15:58, and logo
$10 Black & Blue Messenger bag with screen printed in gray " Verse in Excellence and logo" 
$7 Bright Blue unbrella size: 37" Arc; folds to 6 inches, comes with a black hard case with bright blue zipper 
$5 Travel makeup and organizer bags; Includes 3 different size bags


$1 Measures TBS and TBLS escribe in pink lettering "Love never gives up, is always hopeful & endures through every circumstance (1 Cor 13:7)
$4 Gray hardback cover with white lined notebook paper, includes an elastic closure strap, pen loop and a ribbon bookmark.. Size: 7" x 5" x 1/2" Available in neon or red branding
$2 Dual tip allows highlighting(Yellow) from one end and Stylus + Black Ink Writing from the other.
$2 Metal pen with stlyus and LED light.,Black ink, Blue cap ingrave "
"Dad, a sons first hero a daughters first love"  


$3 Cooling Towel, wet and wear on neck, shoulders, or over back to stay cool, innovation line.
$2 Pink key chain with mirror and scripture "May the God of hope fill you with all joy. Romans15:13RSV "
$3 To Go Straw, Utensils, and Case gray 
$5  Sphere Wireless Charging Pad  in Royal Blue